
Be Nice to Yr Barista

Do you really want to piss off the person who makes your morning wake up? 

No, I'm not going to spit in it. But you know what I can do? I can give you decaf. And you will have no idea until an hour or so later and you need another coffee. Maybe this time you will tip me, or even a simple please and thank you if you feel you cannot afford a tip (and if you can't afford a tip, maybe you should be making your own damn coffee).  I could go on forever why this is the most genius way I have devised to passively aggressively get revenge on customers who are assholes to me, but I will let you just sit and think about for a minute. 

You have been warned. 

P.S. When I figure out how to work this internet thing, these blogs will be in cartoon form. I can more accurately display the ridiculous things that happen to me every day that way, and I am hoping they will be relatively funny since they will all be true stories. 

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